You Must Register to Vote:
- You must be a U.S citizen
- Be a resident of Colorado for 22 days or more
- Be at least 16 years old (16-year-olds can pre-register, and may cast a ballot in
an election if they are 18 years old on or before the date of the election).
- You can register to vote on the Colorado Secretary of State Website
● Legal First and Last name
● Birthday
● Colorado Driver's License or a Colorado State I.D
● Last 4 of your Social Security Number.
- You must be a registered Voter at least 8 days before an election. (Oct. 28th is
the Last Day you can register and receive a ballot for this year’s election)
Elections will appear on a General Ballot.
- Elections are Typically held on the First Tuesday of November (Nov. 4th, 2025)
- In Colorado, you will receive a Mail-in-Ballot automatically before the general
● You will not be able to vote in person for the 2025 election.
- You need to return by Mail or at approved drop boxes. (2024 Approved)
- The Minimum number of ballot drop boxes will open on Oct. 28th and more will
open as November 4th approaches.
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